Create Better Marketing Experiences With Attention-Driven Design

Learn how reducing distraction can help you increase conversions by reading Oli Gardner’s brand new 68-page ebook, Attention-Driven Design: 23 Visual Principles For Designing More Persuasive Landing Pages.  


Friends Help Friends Increase Conversions

Unbounce’s new ebook on Attention-Driven Design taught me how designing pages with “visual simplicity” can help increase attention, engagement and conversions.

What I Learned:

How Horror Vacui causes marketers to build lousy experiences that tire people out

How psychology and interaction design can help us increase attention

How to design pages with perfect attention ratios (and when to bend the rules)

What John & Yoko can teach you about conversion-centered design, and why squirrels are jerks (seriously, they are)

Want a preview of what you'll get in the ebook?
 Flip through the 23 principles of Attention-Driven Design.

About The Author

Unbounce Co-Founder Oli Gardner has seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet, a passion he draws from his healthy disdain for marketers who send campaign traffic to their homepage.

A prolific webinar guest and writer, he speaks internationally about the four corners of conversion: the intersection of copy, design, interaction and psychology. Oli is on a mission to help marketers combine data and design to create high-converting and delightful marketing experiences.

Create Better Marketing Experiences With Attention-Driven Design

Attention Driven Design: 23 Visual Priniciples For Designing More Persusasive Landing Pages